About editing your existing website, you can’t do it from the control panel. You will have to use some form of HTML -- either doing it manually, or with the help of an HTML editor. I have some simple instructions here and pointers to free software ( … until you’re ready to shell out
some cash for the heavy-duty stuff):
a) FTP may be used to retrieve your one or more files from your remote virtual server to your PC. Once you have it locally, you then edit it with a HTML editor and when it’s been changed to your satisfaction, you then update the server with the new version. For your very own copy of a free FTP software, go to this URL and follow the instructions here.
b) Frontpage is a Microsoft HTML editor and it’s very popular because, well, Microsoft makes it & they can basically sell whatever they put on the market. Anyhow, with Frontpage you can pretty much carry out step (a) above, or, edit the file you want to change directly on the remote server. Microsoft Word also has some kind of built-in editor, but I will advise against using it -- it generates very ‘dirty’ code & could mess up your site!
Alternatively, you may use Netscape’s Composer (it's free). Netscape’s Composer comes with the free Netscape which can be downloaded from their website. If you have Netscape installed on your PC.
Finally, one of the best website editing tools is Macromedia Dreamweaver, but the only drawback is that it’s a little expensive.
That should be it for now and the above should get you beyond where you are now. So, get the right software for you, play around with it.
read more about building your website here